Family values are deep-rooted in Azerbaijan, and have been passed down from generation to generation since time immemorial. Care of youngsters, and respect for the elderly are cherished traditions in our country.
On October 18, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the UN’s Children Fund (UNICEF).
Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva and the UNICEF’s representative in Azerbaijan Edward Coward participated in the signing ceremony.
The Memorandum provides for implementing various projects on inclusiveness and development of early childhood phase until the year 2020. Realization of projects supporting education and training of parents in this sphere, as well as raising the public’s enlightenment on the issue are planned in the framework of the cooperation.
Talking about the projects implemented by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the spheres of education, healthcare, and social issues, Foundation’s Executive Director Anar Alakbarov gave information about the existing cooperation between the Foundation and the UNICEF in integrating physically disabled children into the society, as well as issues concerning children’s health and education. It was noted that the Memorandum signed will allow to extend this cooperation.
The Memorandum provides for implementing projects aiming at ensuring children’s health and developing their various skills in the preschool period, enjoying the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the Regional Development Public Association, and the UNICEF.
After the signing ceremony, the guests became familiarized with the exhibition “Live Life”. Arranged on the initiative of Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, founder and head of IDEA Public Association Leyla Aliyeva, the exhibition aims at drawing attention to environmental issues, protecting the nature, and enlightening the public on the role of the art in this field. The exposition was brought to Baku after being demonstrated in London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, and Tbilisi.